Last week one engineer fellow committed suicide in the hostel room (SJEC). Another person took Poison and now fighting with life and death in the hospital at udupi.
These two incidence really inspired me to write this Post.
In this both case the guys died for their love.. my question is there need to die in love. Its really good that dying for love.. whatever it is from Last 3yrs i came across many of my friends and other who are suffering from this love decease . Especially in many cases guys suffering more.. And I've seen many of my friends lost their sleep some become out of their mind. many of them are addicted to smoke drinking drugs etc.
I do love one girl and when it comes to her, she is everything to me. It really hurts when someone we love so much leave us alone and go. But is it your love loose towards her/him? Is there anything wrong in love? answer is NO. When your love doesn't decrease then why you thinking about dying? because you Think that you lost her/him and you can not meet her again. so here comes the point that when u come to know there is no way to get her/him, you loose your mind and you do these things....
1) You try all the sequences to get her/him.
2) You take revenge on her/him.
3) You go helpless and you think of give end to your life.
4) You Think that your not worth for her/him.
5) You will be try to be happy in your loved ones happiness.
6) You will never dare to love anyone in future unless you get Mr/Miss right for you.
Like this people will do many different things. But in all of these more dangerous is taking revenge on her/him or ending his/hr life by committing suicide.
Here my question is If you commit suicide or take revenge is there any meaning to your love? you loved him/her with whole your heart that time you take him/her as your sweetheart. if the persons time going bad anything will happen. in case in any condition he/she leaves you don't be sad or desperate. i know its easy to say, but its hard to follow. i tell you give a challenge to your self and prove that your are something and there is no one good other than you in any ways..
that time who left you alone in you life should realize and feel how unlucky they to loose you.
and its true that you also lost and suffered for that time only give answer. who knows in life's journey someone right is there for you. or someone you want come back to you..
But people don't go so depressed and make unforgivable mistake in your life. and for that you will not get another chance to come back..
whatever may be the condition face it. if you not enough stronger to face just accept it as it is...
1 minute anger or depression will take your 60 second happiness away and who know it will make you pay whole your life for that....
If you really more depressed or thinking that u want to end your life just mail me or leave comments here.. i will try to help u in depressed life...